The story that guides my work

In the heart of my therapeutic philosophy lies a captivating story that echoes the profound words of Michelangelo and serves as the guiding force behind my work. It revolves around the iconic statue of David, a masterpiece carved from a seemingly ordinary block of stone.

Legend has it that a man, deeply moved by the perfection of David, approached Michelangelo to unravel the secret behind this extraordinary creation. What Michelangelo shared with him resonates with me even now, over 500 years later and across a distance of 5,000 miles:

"I didn’t create David; he was already there. I just had to chip away the stone getting in the way. I chipped away what wasn’t David, and he appeared."

This insight serves as the cornerstone of my therapeutic journey – the belief that within each of us, there exists a David, a force waiting to change the world.

My role is akin to Michelangelo's, as I guide you through the process of chipping away the layers that obscure your true self. Together, we unveil the authentic you that's been there all along.

I wholeheartedly believe in human potential, and more importantly, I believe in you! My mission is to assist you in unveiling the person you truly are, deep within – a person who is undeniably cooler, smarter, and kinder than you may currently acknowledge. Together, let's embrace every part of you, even the parts you might not consider your favorites. It's time to honor and cherish the entirety of your being.